Monday, April 25, 2011

Something About Blogs

Everybody has their favorite blogs that they faithfully read. If you are a reader of mine, thank you. As a writer of blogs, I am all too aware that it takes time and thought to prepare a blog. Writing comes easy for me. Even so, I find myself at the end of the day, with somewhat blurry eyes, mentally reminding myself that I didn't blog as planned. There is always tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

Along the way, faithful readers loose interest or they move on to other new, fresh material in other blogs. Sometimes a blogger will post a few lines or a paragraph stating that life has interfered. They have illnesses, family problems, not enough time at the moment. In fact, maybe they have not received enough support.

Have you, the reader, thought to thank a blogger? Occasionally it pays off to say those two very important words, "thank you." Maybe you are not a writer, but you are a reader who has a voice. Let it be heard. You an also express your opinion. Don't be afraid to do it. The genealogy community awaits your response.

At the end of most blogs there is a place shown as Comments. Just click there and leave a message. As a blogger I look forward to receiving comments. Some are just words of praise and others are suggestions or differences of opinion. I welcome all of those because eventually they have an influence on how I blog, write and ultimately how I view my research.

Genealogy is not an isolated endeavor. Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional, contact has to be made with people. Eventually there is sharing, whether for pay, as a volunteer or family member. There are differences, but basically information or ideas are shared. Blogs are a sharing of ideas and thoughts. There are a wide variety of genealogy blogs on Internet, all needing readers and contributors of comments. Please feel free to comment!

I have my favorite blogs also. When there are days, weeks or months of silence I usually move on to something else to read. That doesn't mean the blog has ceased to exist or that you can't support the blogger. If there is a link to that person's e-mail on the blog, click on it and leave an e-mail saying that you miss the reading the blog.

Appreciate the blogs you read. Consider starting your own blog, for all the right reasons. Most importantly when you read a blog you like, leave a thank you that can be seen.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Good Book

Recently I purchased Lisa Louise Cooke's new book, The Genealogist's Google Toolbox. It is better than good ... it's excellent. Over the past few years Lisa Louise Cooke has become a popular name in genealogy circles, along with her web site presence of Genealogy Gems. She produces and hosts the Genealogy Gems Podcast which is available in iTunes, the monthly Family Tree Magazine Podcast and videocasts for Family History Expos. She also blogs at Genealogy Gems News Blog. Yes, she's a busy lady.

Her 209 page, 8.5x11 inch book is packed with information and illustrations. I love the illustrations. Why did I need to buy another genealogy book? I play Lisa Louise Cooke's great CDs on Google Earth over and over. Once involved in actual Google Earth use, I have to go back and review them. It will now be easier with the book.

Google is a very popular search engine, widely used by genealogists. The book brings up many ideas and tips about the effective use of Google for genealogy searching. You will learn about Google Alerts, iGoogle, Books, Translation, Gmail and more. There is great information about Google Earth and creating Family History Tour Maps, adding video and images to your Google Earth creations and a bundle more. The book can be purchased from a variety of vendors.

Thanks Lisa for writing such a marvelous book. Your expertise in Google and Google Earth is valuable and appreciated.
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